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Feel better in your body, reclaiming comfort, daily tasks and cherished activities.

Get my free video, Chair Stretch & Strengthen, discover pain-free movement and have a better time going about your day.

For me, your progress is personal!

If you’ve found your way here, there is a good chance you're living with a chronic condition. And, I’m betting that like me, you have a strong desire to live a fulfilling life not held back by your symptoms.  

Having struggled with discomfort for years, I realized a need to discover or create a more effective approach. What started as a personal roadmap has grown into a mission. Combining years of research and collaboration, I’ve crafted  practice-based programs to help you break free from painful movements and feel better in your body, more confident and comfortable.

Read my story

Resources to live better in your body

Online Courses

Get your body -and your life - back. Your roadmap to successfully getting your body moving from achy to active.

Take a course
1-on-1 Coaching

Take a deep dive into your development and progress with personalized guidance with individual coaching sessions. 

Schedule a 1:1 call
Free Workout Video

Get your free Chair Stretch & Strengthen Video. Feel better in just 15 minutes—your body will thank you.

Download the video

Thank you so much for keeping me fit, flexible and ache free. Your knowledge base is remarkable!!!

Barbara S.

Julianne R. 

I feel so lucky to have found Tabitha. She is a wonderful and kind teacher. What I discovered was a whole new world of Pilates and movement, and joy in movement. I love the way that she brings her diverse knowledge and experience together. She is able to adapt exercises based on my needs. She is very supportive and encouraging.   I really love working with her! 

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca N.

Tabitha is the MacGyver of instructors -she adapts and works with whatever body you bring to the session tailoring her approach to each clients unique strengths and weaknesses. She is warm and supportive while remaining unyielding in her attention to detail.

Kate O.

The latest from my blog 

You’ve graduated from Physical Therapy rehab, now what?

Feb 29, 2024

The Art of Avoiding a Push-Crash Cycle

Mar 18, 2024

Are Crunches a Pain in the Neck?

Jun 07, 2024

Ready to feel better? Get started with one of my courses.

Enjoy Pain-Free Movement

Feeling locked-up, fragile and achy? We'll show you how easy it can be to break free from painful movements. Gain the skills to move confidently and courageously while safeguarding yourself from symptom flares and injuries in our Challenge. 

Start the challenge
Return to Cherished Activities

When you come from a place of struggling less and being able to care for yourself, your whole life begins to sparkle more.  This course will help you breeze through daily tasks so that you have energy to return to activities you love.

Join Today
Recognize Yourself Again

We hear the phrase “Chronic Illness Warrior” but it’s often so much more than a fight in a battle- it's a new way of life.  If you are tired of feeling trapped in your body, this membership offers you resources to live comfortable and confident, because you deserve a life beyond limitations. 

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Stay Connected

Learn to move and live with ease in a pain-free body: